Monday, June 1, 2009

Reflections in a Golden I

Blogger Friends Unite! Rain is graciously hosting a themed blog party and all those who RSVP'ed her in time can be seen reflected there. Go take a boo! Many lovely scenes to behold. You can also link to it via "Blogger Friends Photo Club" on my sidebar.

Aside from having once been the president of the Rolling Stones Fan Club, Vancouver Division, this may be the only thing I've ever joined! (And with the fan club, I didn't join it, I ran it.)


  1. Hello Louciao,
    I love your blog and have updated SparkleMirror to show “DÉCOLLETÉ" in the “Sparkling Gems of Delight” section on the sidebar (favorite blogs). Each time you post, yours will appear beautifully at the top of that list. Thanks for providing such interesting content for my friends and me…

  2. Sparkle David: Thank you so much for your kind words and pinning my brooch to your blog bosom! I am deeply touched, and I don't mean just mentally. :D

  3. Louciao, I have no doubt you are "touched" ! Touched by the hand of the divine musical spirit who drew you apparently to many incredible happenings over the years... color me green... I'm running late again, as usual, just getting here, and I see you've already moved on... like your magic mirror here... So were there alot of Stones fans in Vancouver ? Speaking of Vancouver, have you taken a peek at the Vancouver blog "A Majority of Two" ? It's in my list if you're curious...
