Saturday, May 9, 2009

Grave Sights

Hangin' with Jesus.

What is the hidden message of this touching tribute to a Dearly Departed? With what sort of knick-knacks would your loved ones decorate your grave site?


  1. Hi Lynne, where did you find these ??? It is amazing indeed to see what people deem worthy as mementos on grave sites to remember their dear ones by. These cows are a bit kitsch... but charming.

  2. What do you mean "a bit kitsch"? They are totally kitsch--but sincere--which gives them a Genuine Kitsch rating. There was one headstone that had an elaborate painting of the guy's bungalow on it. The cemetery is on Prince Edward Island. There are cows wandering in the next field next to it.

  3. Driftwood & Turtles - of course.

  4. Part of the Island's charm, n'est-ce pas? Have you ever noticed how cemeteries and Irving gas stations occupy pieces of land with the most scenic views in the Maritimes?

  5. The main Island's appeal, n'est-ce pas? Maybe you have observed exactly how cemeteries as well as Irving gasoline stations take up bits of property most abundant in panoramic sights within the Maritimes?

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