Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Don't Cry For Me

Admittedly, the weather in Vancouver has not been as warm and sunny as it was back in February when the Winter Olympics were happening here and I was not.

Truth to tell, into almost every day since my arrival on the west coast, a little if not a lot of rain has had to fall.

Looking in my closet every morning I lament the climatic optimism with which I had obviously packed my clothes for this trip.

Well, even though it's said that April showers bring May flowers, I am here to tell you that there are plenty of flowers already busting out all over the place.

And while every day does indeed bring some, or a lot, of moisture with it, there is always enough of a break in the weather to get out for a daily walk to smell the flowers.

So my dear friends back east, lolling about in unseasonal, if not downright bizarre, 20+ degree Celcius climes while we out here are slightly goose-bumped with temperatures barely able to count to 10, don't cry too hard for me.  And I promise I won't phone you and tell you how well all the blossoms are holding up in the rain.


  1. May your stay be moistly enjoyable.

    Don't worry about our aridity.

  2. Thank you, DCW. I will mouldly go...

  3. Croak kisses are up at home!

  4. Anonymous,
    Glad to see you prettied up their real name, "croak arses," to the more politically correct, "croak kisses," for the sake of my blog!

  5. (laughing, thank you, even though it is close to five in the morning)

    Have to admit that am a bit envy of all that liquide sunshine you did receive, as it has been about a month since last it rained over here. Please have you all a wonderful Wednesday.

  6. Listen, I don't know who the wise guy, or the wise toad was who slung that "croak kisses" in there, but it weren't me, as much as I can croak, and kiss for that matter, well, sometimes, am much too tired this evening to have ever possibly thought that one up... so, Mr Toad sends "Cheers" to whoever the anomymous croak kisser is, and in the meanwhile, the only tears I shed were those of the crocusdile...

    (ok, that's a stretch, I know...)

    PS oh, and at least, even if it's raining, the wind has died down... that's good news for all of us !

  7. I had to leave aerly this morning for another town, about an hours drive from here and all round the huge park that is the guts of our city was this lovely spooky fog...also a reminder of how close we are to Autumn no matter how many butterflies we have almost arriving in our back yard!! I love these colourful photos tho' and blue is one of my fave colours for a garden.
    So glad your wind has died down. ;-)

  8. Robert,
    Happy to bring you laughter, no matter what time of day or night. There's a good supply of "liquid sunshine" out here, no doubt about that. Am going to head south to Seattle for a couple of days and see if the weather's any brighter down there. Have a good week!

  9. Mr. BrOwen Toad,
    The best advice I can offer you on this subject is to be careful not to get confused and wind up kissing croakarses.

    In a few minutes I'll be blowing this popsicle stand and zooming across the border to the U.Ass.A.
    Back Friday, hopefully with a memory card full of good times and sights.

    Miss me!

  10. Saj,
    Your spooky fog sounds magical, and autumn is a lovely time of the year, no matter how sad to leave behind the summer fun/sun...so all is good?

    Yes, "my" wind has died down but now I am suffering from constant dampness. Have to apply an extra layer of anti-mould cream every morning, but at least I don't have to worry about drying up. And the damp is great for my naturally wavy hair (primp primp).

    Off now for some fun with friends in Seattle. Even closer to you! So near and yet so far.

  11. love those shots of the magnolia blossoms - spring has sprung...

  12. Hi Catherine,
    Spring has sprung all right, but it's a chilly one! At least on the west coast. Still not complaining, though, with all these gorgeous blossoms.
