Thursday, October 29, 2009

Window Shopping

Looking is free.

Imagining is free.

The unbearable lightness of wool is free.

Leaving comments is not only free but liberating!


  1. These reflections are beautiful! I see you! You've become red along with the bulding front across the street! Are they red jeans instead of blue jeans?! ;) And the dress that takes on the delicate tracing of leaves, branches, and sky! Is this reality? or fantasy? I love your title "the unbearable lightness of wool..." I've got that Indian blanket! hugs xxox

  2. Window shopping is lighter on the budget, but they are darn heavy to carry home.

  3. Hey Margaret, Thanks for coming window shopping with me! Your comments have added to my shopping pleasure. I, too, like how that dress incorporates a whole tree into its being. And who knew wool could be spun from bear fur...but who would venture near enough to shear it?! (just kidding about the bear wool...I really didn't get the connection in the window display, but it was colourful).

  4. Shirl--Thanks for stopping by! You know, I'm planning on leaving the windows from my window shopping here for you to ship to NB for me! Or maybe my brother could drive them out, antiquing en route, and settling in for a nice long stay chez nous. On second thought, maybe I'll try returning them today, Nana Mary style!

  5. ah and apparently dreams are free...I'm on my way!

  6. I was going to get liberated by leaving a comment here too, but then a large bear came harumphing and galumping out of the window at me... and I hightailed it down the street !

  7. Saj, Yeah, dream a little dream for me while you're at it!

  8. Owen:
    You "bearly" got away with your hide! Gotta watch out for things like this in the wild west of Canada.
