While out driving around with my sister, I asked her to swing past the twin-spired church on the Squamish Nation reserve. She admitted that in all the years that she had lived in North Vancouver, and she had lived here longer than I, she had never been past this church. If I had been a more brazen soul, I would have at least tried the doors to see if I might gain entry. But I felt a bit obvious and rather like an intruder, so I merely snapped this photo. My brother later told me that had I gone inside, I would have been treated to a view of an original Emily Carr painting. I knew she had drawn and/or painted this church, which was the main reason I wanted to get a better look at it. I can't find a reproduction of that particular piece of art work on the web, though, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Continuing on our drive down unexplored avenues, I noticed this old house being raised to the skies, trying to keep up with its neighbours, perhaps.

It's a gorgeous old thing, perhaps even dating from the time that Emily was alive. It's hard to believe that it's actually being preserved-- at least that's what I think they're doing. Meanwhile, a pigeon is enjoying the view from the top.
I always worry about being struck by lightening in those places...isn't it lovely tho? I love old stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking you mean the church rather than the old house? I'm always afraid of having a panic attack if I venture into a church service. My great-grandmother used to give me Life-Saver candies to keep me quiet if I went to church with her. I think it's rather symbolic...handing me a life-saver to get through it.
ReplyDeleteChurches do make me nervous, I seem to either get a fit of the giggles for some insanely random reason OR a coughing fit - you know the sort with the itchy throat that you just can't get rid of and you go all purple in th face and eventually have to get out of the place...
ReplyDeleteThe cathedral looks like a smaller, silver Notre Dame--pretty! As for the house on stilts, I wonder what gives there? Cool shot! LOVE xxox
ReplyDeleteGuess the folks who own that house are concerned about sea levels rising with global warming ? Or maybe they just decided they wanted to add a drive in garage under the house ? The church makes me think of Georgia O'Keefe for some reason...
ReplyDeleteSaj, when I come to visit you we simply must go to a church service together!!! I'm nearly having a giggling, coughing fit just thinking about it!
ReplyDeleteMargaret, Could you tell that it's a wooden church? For these parts, it's very old. It's amazing, really that it didn't burn down or get cleared away for something new. Maybe it was preserved because it's on a rez. I have a romantic vision of attending a candlelight Christmas service there...but I can't really see that ever happening. Perhaps best to just imagine it. As mentioned above with the Saj, unfortunate things might ensue...
ReplyDeleteOwen, There is at least one fine art book comparing the work of Georgia O'Keefe and Emily Carr. I believe I have it back at my other home on my bookshelf, in fact. Such a discerning, sensitive lad you are! (I can just hear Saj snickering)
ReplyDeleteWhaddya wanna bet that they're just raising the house to make a double garage for their Beamer SUV and their Prius. It's on a weirdly industrial sort of street,otherwise I'd suspect it was going to be turned into a very chi-chi condominium.
Judging by the amount of highrises that are being built right on the shore out here, I don't think anyone is the least concerned about rising sea levels...or tsunamis! Get me to higher ground, baby! is my attitude.
Go back to church! Go see the Emily Carr...how perfect that her work is inside a church.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...easier said than done, Patricia.
ReplyDeleteI've seen many exhibits of Emily Carr's work--and I never tire of them! Each time I go, it's like meeting up with an old friend.
Did you ever see a resemblance between Emily in photographs of her as a young woman and your wonderful daughter?
ReplyDeleteFCW, I hadn't really...but I do recall noticing how pretty the young Emily was. I'll have to take another look, this time with Ms. C in mind! Let's hope she doesn't go the way of the older Emily!
ReplyDeleteI do not think that is in the future for the divine Ms C. I'm sure she can keep the monkey off her back.