Monday, March 25, 2013

Different strokes for different folks

Saw this fellow paddling to shore in Deep Cove, North Vancouver last winter.  Yes, that is what winter looks like
out there.

My mother once wrote in my autograph book 
when I was a little girl, 
"Love many, trust few, but always paddle your own canoe."
I would imagine that it applies equally to a kayak.

Bringin' home the bacon, one way or another.


  1. Very nice pictures! :-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

    1. Thank you! I would leave comments on your blog as well, but I am not a member of Google+. I do appreciate your visits here and I do call around to see what you're posting.

  2. Incredible shots that take me to a whole other life. On the edge. Turned on, tuned in, dropped out.

    1. That's it, you've summed it up perfectly: life on the edge, life in Lotus Land, otherwise known as Vancouver, otherwise known as the wet coast. Lots of die-hard hippies still roaming the land out there, in their old VW's, wearing big woolly socks with their Birkenstock sandals. Interspersed with the obscenely rich and desperately poor, that is.

  3. Very cool pics.. and so NEAT how you tied that in with your Mom's rhyme. It goes to show that you really can have your kayak and neat it, too. ;)

    1. "Have your kayak and neat it too"?! Ha ha! I guess our fine-whiskered friend here does keep his floating device ship-shape. Did you notice his paddle seems like it could double as a harpoon?

  4. The face on this guy speaks volumes; a weathered soul... He looks Nordic, like some Viking of the Sea. the Nordic sweater could be the give-away... :) And I get a kick out of the shorts and bare legs! lol I also love your watermark logo! Very stylish and creative...

    1. Yes, definitely a face that speaks of a man navigating his own world. Hadn't thought of the Viking of the sea aspect, but it is certainly possible that he has removed the curved horns from his hat. As for the shorts and bare legs...even some of the postmen out in Lotus Land wear shorts with their uniforms on warmer winter days.
      Thanks for noticing my new logo. I was pretty pleased with myself for coming up with it. :-)

  5. Lovely photo and fantastic looking guy. I wonder about his life. Amazing.

    1. Definitely a character! I would imagine him living in a hand-hewn cabin up the coast a ways; largely self-sufficient. But he could just as easily be some rich eccentric out for a little quiet recreation.

  6. Replies
    1. His wife sent him out for a leg of lamb and he came home with mutton chops!

  7. Initially I thought you had stumbled across Hulk Hogan - but those knobby knees gave the game away! What a dude!!

    1. He was a bit too long and lean to be mistaken for Hulk Hogan, definitely. Though maybe Hogan's not so hulky any more, either.

  8. Now there is a man that values his freedom.

    1. As the song goes, "freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose."

  9. Great shot of the man who goes his own way in his own style. Good for him!

    1. Definitely a man that paddles to his own rhythm.

  10. Love your mother's words! They are the essence of our life!

    1. It took me many years to understand the real meaning of those words, and their essential truth.

  11. Your mother is very wise and yes I am happy to say that is what it looks like out here on the west (but wet) coast.

  12. these are great images ! Will surely remain much in my mind. Love his ability to live life as free, as unique as he wants. Wonderful if even found support. Will try to grow an alike beard ;)
    Please have you all a good Thursday.

    1. Ah, Robert, I have to chuckle at the thought of you with sideburns like this fellow's! If you manage to grow such a beard, you certainly must post a picture! I feel quite sure that you have the same freedom in your soul, if not in lifestyle, that this individualist so clearly demonstrates.
