This graffiti (2 f's or 2 t's, I can never remember) was found in the women's washroom at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design (my old alma mater, under a different name). I think it's a rather poor showing for art students!
But the real message on my blogwall tonight is that I'm going to Seattle for a few days to visit my dear friends, the Fibre Artist and the Photographer.
I'm not on a sight-seeing tour. It's strictly business: eating, drinking, talking, laughing, going for walks, and probably making something deliriously crafty!
Feel free to leave me bouquets, bon mots, dark chocolate, poems, or personal cheques on my blogstep! My welcome mat is still out and I've left the key under it and some ciders chilling in the fridge for you all. (Saj, there's some harder stuff in the basement--I'm sure you'll sniff it out!)
Have a glass of wine at the top of the Space Needle to toast the West Coast which still endures. Four of us drove from Vancouver to Seattle in April 1969 to be at the top of the needle at the exact moment the Aquarians had predicted the disappearance of the West Cost under the waves. Didn't happen. One could write a history based on having ringside seats to non-events.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember the song?
Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
What was that line from a tune...
ReplyDelete"Well I started out on burgundy, but soon hit the harder stuff..."
Could be an anthem for someone ???
Please find in the enclosed envelople a check for ten million tons of good times and good luck...
I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave the hard stuff in the cellar, as it is easy to go down stairs when sober, but very hard to come back up when drunk...
Have a fabulous time in Seattle, can't wait to see the photos, I know you won't be able to resist just a few...
As for leaving a poem, I'm half brain dead right now, the only thing coming to mind is :
There once was a lady named 'Ciao
Who set out to sea in a scow
She raised all her sails
Cursed buckets of nails
While gazing at rocks off the bow
Well, it's not very good, am going to have to try again, but not right now... (sorry, he said sheepishly) (and I won't even try to tell you some of the rhyme possibilitys for scow, 'Ciao, and bow...
And my WV is "comai" as in, I'm so tired I'm nearly in a coma, I...
Have a great time away, your cellar is safe with me!
ReplyDeleteHi FCW! That is "highly" amusing that you went to the top of the Space Needle to witness the end of the west coast. I kind of remember that time...I think the lack of anything happening was excused with the phrase "It was the end of the world as we knew it." A good catch-all phrase for any non-event. Can't say I ever knew that song. Glad to say that the Space Needle still stands as a landmark to let you know that you're in Seattle.
ReplyDeleteI think you're overdue for a pilgrimmage back west!
Hi Owen, I'm just happy you didn't refer to me as a cow anywhere in your poem!
ReplyDeleteI myself am rather brain dead at the moment as I managed to come down with a bad cold while away in the good old U.S.of A.
Alack and alas, I took very few photos there as we mostly sat around eating, drinking and talking. And we didn't go into the city at all. Plus, it's a bit humbling to take pix in the presence of a real photographer, even though he's very nice and encouraging about it.
Hi Saj! I'm glad you managed to find your way to the "cellar." We call it the basement here. Thanks for leaving me a few drops of the cognac. I think it's just the medicine I need for this nasty head cold.
ReplyDeleteI hope the basement spiders weren't too scary for you. They're ugly and fast but pretty harmless...not unlike a few men I've known!
Lovely images!
ReplyDeleteHi Love Writing Again! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.